excellence, empathy, and a global perspective
about 18 thru 25
If you are between the ages of 18 and 25 you know that making your way through college and into a career is no walk in the park. You are expected to be independent, succeed in college, find internships and get started on a successful career. But you may be encountering bumps along the way. I provide many services for people in your age group, designed to help with the transitions in your life.
Much research has been done into the development of executive functioning, the part of your brain that can consider options and make decisions. The latest research says that this is the last part of your brain to mature and that typically it takes until age 25 to be "fully baked." Hence the name of my service, serving this age group.
You may be having a difficult time at your first college and considering transferring to another one. Or perhaps you want to stay where you are but are finding it hard to navigate your college's bureaucracy and get the help you need from your college's advisors. Maybe you are considering changing direction altogether and need to live at home while you figure things out. You may already have had a break and are feeling ready to reapply to a program, but you are not sure how to go about it.