excellence, empathy, and a global perspective
My philosophy
Concern for the emotional health of teens and young adults.
Concern for the level of stress parents are dealing with.
Concern that it's easy to lose perspective in the face of a competitive admissions scene that would have us believe in an all-consuming race for a gilded prize.
I truly believe getting in to college need not become the be-all and end-all of a high schooler's life. Yes, planning for college is important. Yes, we all want the best for our children. And yes, we know that they sometimes need to get with the program if they are not to miss out.
But do we really want to send the message that getting into the "best" school possible is an end in itself? That acing the SAT is going to make or break the rest of a student's life? Couldn't we instead be encouraging hard work, signs of maturity, improvements in study habit and interest in the world outside the family, while taking a calm but realistic look at the admissions landscape and still aiming high?
I believe that each student has a different rate of maturing around test-taking and the entire college process. My goal is to help students and parents navigate the difficult junior and senior years of high school, to be mindful of the individual student's strengths and weaknesses, and to help families minimize the stress that can cloud these years.
There are many colleges and universities where your child could be happy, challenged, successful, and well prepared for developing a rewarding career. I would ask your family to be skeptical of prestige factors that can easily create an arms race for the drool schools. A school's place in the rankings provides little meaningful information about the likely experience there for a particular student. What's right for someone else's child could be a disastrous mismatch for your own. My mission is to present options and clarify choices for the student's best individual path through the higher education maze.

"Our son achieved crucial self-knowledge inspired by the back and forth of his one-to-one relationship with Rachel. His self-exploration with her helped him to introduce himself to the world beyond high school."
-- Deborah H. , Manhattan parent